29th Bienal de São Paulo
Driven by a new impetus promoted by a new Board of Directors committed to the renewal of the institution, the Bienal inaugurated its 29th edition with a permanent educational project and a broad parallel program. Favoring politically-oriented works, the curatorship of Agnaldo Farias and Moacir dos Anjos held nearly 400 activities in the six conceptual spaces entitled Terreiros, and made its theme a verse by Jorge de Lima: “There is always a cup of sea to sail in”. Bandeira branca (2010), by Nuno Ramos, stirred controversy due to its live vultures flying in the central span of the pavilion accompanied by a montage of sounds from the national popular tradition.
President of Bienal: Heitor Martins
Chief-curators: Agnaldo Farias e Moacir dos Anjos
Guest Curators: Chus Martinez (Spain), Fernando Alvim (Angola), Rina Carvajal (Venezuela), Sarat Maharaj (South Africa/England), Yuko Hasegawa (Japan)
29th Bienal de São Paulo
25.09.2010 – 12.12.2010
Bienal de São Paulo
São Paulo, Brazil